During sleep, the man not only a break from all that happened during the day, but it all turned positive energy. Therefore, how the pattern of a good rest, and depending on the quality of life in general. Let's see, what to do in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.
Bedroom according to Feng Shui
If you have recently settled in the apartment or if you have the opportunity to select one of the bedrooms in the apartments, Feng Shui recommends to steer the main points, and chose the rooms according to the following reasons:if you want to build a harmonious relationship with your spouse or inject new energy into it, select the bedroom facing north;
they are trying to maintain stability in the relationship with the couple and took them to a higher level, it is better to choose a bedroom facing north-west;
if you are less romantic in your life, choose the west.
Another direction can also be selected. But you must remember that it is at lower energy levels, promote relaxation and lives in pairs.
Color the bedroom according to Feng Shui
Many of which should be considered in the process of transformation of a regular bedroom in an apartment or house. Assumptions tradition that the bedroom should prevail pastel colors, the softness of the interior, but that's not entirely true. The bedroom should be done by yourself and for yourself! However, this does not mean that it should arrange the bedroom space with a stylish safari or an ancient cave. Listen to yourself, start improvements in the most important room of the house, and answer the following questions:Do you fall asleep quickly?
Do you wake up fresh and rested the next morning?
Do you have to get up at night?
Is it easy to get up in the morning?
Do you have a complaint daytime motivated attacks evaporated and the desire for sleep?
By answering these questions, you can determine what you need in the bedroom.
Yin style
Suitable for those who have a good sleep, did not wake up at night inexplicably waking and resting easily stand and did not have the desire to sleep during the day at the office couch while working.The color palette used for the bedroom should peach, beige, pink, and gold. The bed is better to choose the round shape. In principle, all the bedroom furniture you need, if not unanimous (in principle, be practical), then certainly with rounded edges.
Your bedroom should be light with soft colors, ideal lighting flowers with shades of pink, blue or pale. In principle, this is a bedroom in the classical sense.
In the style of Yan
This bedroom is ideal for those who sleep restless at night, see a lot of emotional dream (nightmare optional), not enough sleep, waking up with difficulty, ignoring the alarm clock, and while working quietly sleepy no desire to sleep.Among a variety of colors for the bedroom, choose dark red color (approaching maroon or dull), blue-green shades. At the same time ceiling best paint color is the same color as the wall, with the only difference that the walls can be more intense color of the ceiling.
Bed linen better to choose a print that should be bright enough. bedroom lighting you can give some lights classic white or transparent matte ceiling.
Between Yin and Yang
Whatever the bedroom you choose, you have to constantly maneuver between Yin and Yang: energy fairly stable since closely related to our inner state. Therefore, if the bedroom Yin, you suddenly began to notice a worsening of the quality of sleep, changing linens delicate flowers in bright colors (but not in any way with the color red!). And put a bright spot of color (picture on the wall in the region of visibility and so on).If you no longer feel comfortable in the bedroom Yang, feel hyperexcitability and anxiety, change of bed linen and white walls in front of you at bedtime, or papering brightly colored soft - it helps to restore the balance.
10 spells zoning space in the Feng Shui bedroom?
The bedroom is a special room in the house of everyone - it is something intimate and personal that can provide a sense of security and comfort. You agree that the bedrooms are divided by only friends are very close. And if a large family, this bedroom is a place of privacy and discuss issues of private partner. Moreover, it is no secret that sleep - it is a very important component of the life of every human being. To sleep in harmony, we must try to do the sleep function properly. By the way, according to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the bedroom should be able to adjust the microclimate in every home. Here are 10 spells zoning living room and bedroom according to Feng Shui:Read also: secrets of Feng Shui house plan (the ancient Chinese-style layout)
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10 Ways Feng Shui favorable bedroom design |
1. Location
Put to the needs of the bedroom takes in a quiet area - certainly as far as possible from the toilet, the kitchen and the front door. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this space should be a regular square shape, but may be rectangular. The bedrooms do not have to pass through the bathroom. Do not use the room to the bedroom, if the door is located opposite the other - it is full of negative energy that can affect frequent conflicts in the family, and, for no apparent reason.2. Ceiling
Special attention should be given to the ceiling. In the bedroom, it must be perfectly flat. If the ceiling has a slope or beam, then it is better to try to place the bed so that she was standing beneath them - the experts say that it leads to huge financial problems or poor health. Fortunately, today it is possible to use suspended ceilings - they can be used and rectified the situation quickly and easily.3. Beds
Choose a good bed. Immediately necessary to dismiss a variety of metal structures thin and shaky, and mosquito nets. A bed, even if you want to follow the principles of Feng Shui, the bed should be comfortable and strong. If you buy a double bed, it is necessary immediately to take care of the mattress - it must be intact and not be in two parts, because it is a symbol that separates pairs. If you choose a bed equipped with a footboard - it does not mean that the space under the bed, you can always store the various boxes and crates with things that are useless, empty suitcases and traveling bags. This can prevent the flow of energy "Chi".If you have to sleep in the bed and on the couch, then it should always be placed.
Your bed should not come from her grandmother, mother or anyone else: everything has a tendency to store energy from their old masters, so it is possible that, resting on a bed of your grandmother, you unconsciously began to repeat his fate.
But you should have a bed based on the following requirements:
- Headerboard bed should be turned away from the wall;
- If headerboard bed was to the window, do not forget to install the curtains at night;
- The bed should not adjacent to the wall of the shower, toilet and sink;
- It is best to put the bed in a diagonal direction of the door, but headerboard bed facing the wall;
- The bed should be the approach to sleep on both sides.
4. Directions bed
Experts in Feng Shui believe that love and joy of the intimate life of the couple influence the world. They argue that if the bed is placed on all the correct rules, it is believed to provide not only the love and financial well-being, but also career development, health and success of the kids! A classic destination for a bed is north-west. But the approach of this direction is more suitable for people who have lived together for over a year - they have long lived side by side and have stability. Well, for a couple of honeymooners more fitting setting bed facing toward the east - so they can more quickly achieve domestic harmony.The beds for the elderly couple is best to put in the northern part - to improve health and ageless. The south is suitable for romantic couples. The bed facing the West can bring the joy of the household, did not lead to financial difficulties. Towards the south-east will assist in business development. And therein is not necessary to put the bed, because the south-west or north-east - the energy is not too balanced, so that people easily have feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. At this point, it's better to put wardrobe.
5. Headboard
It is also an important detail, because it is a symbol of protection of their own feelings from negative influences. Experts say that headerboard is not just part of the background to sleep, but also an intimate relationship with a partner. It is best to choose a bed with a semicircular backrest. Suitable Model oval - is able to diversify life forms in pairs and increase the family budget.6. Mirror
This piece of furniture is a lot of controversy. Feng Shui experts agree on one thing: in front of a mirror instead of a bed. The fact is that during sleep a person liberate their negative emotions, but if in front of him now is a mirror, then they will be reflected back, so in the morning will wake up in frustration. The best way is to keep the locker room or dressing table with mirror, but it is necessary to set it so that was not reflected in the mirror of a sleeping person. Also, the mirror may be in the closet door. It is not necessary to install a mirror with a reflective glass surface and opposite the entrance to the bedroom.7. Curtains
It is not necessary in the bedroom window using thick curtains - it can cause disease. It is better to choose soft curtains - they are able and romance in a relationship to bring and maintain family harmony.8. The bedrooms in a workspace
Divide the room into two zones of active and passive - one part is for sleeping, and the second - sort of a combination of office and living room. Good visual zones can be helped by putting up murals or carpet. The core should be located closer to the exit.9. Do not store stuff in the bedroom
Furniture may be a source of discomfort, which is why in the bedroom, the object should be as minimal as possible, moreover, every piece of furniture that has sharp edges directed towards the bed. Do not store in the room where you sleep, like a gallon of water is great - aquariums, fountains and things like that. Never do the work while lying in bed: do not bring business letters or laptop - it is fraught with the fact that it can affect your sleep becomes restless. It also should not store the computer in the bedroom, or put the phone in your head when sleeping. TV, is also no place in the bedrooms. Similarly, should also be avoided if you intend to transform this room into the conservatory, because many plants can conduct electricity, and at night to absorb more oxygen than during the day.10. In order to find a "soul mate"
Feng Shui can help to get rid of loneliness - it is enough to choose the right environment for the bedroom. First, get rid of all of each object - or vice versa, put a few of the ones you already have. For example, if only one seat - try to put one pair, and the two lamps that can be installed at the bedside. If there is an image object one person, try replacing it with a picture of the happy couple. Remove all photos of friends, parents and children of your bedroom.Make a free space near you - negating the extra pillows or toys on the bed. Avoid TV and the nature of their work - they have no place in the bedrooms. While the clock in the bedroom should one go - it is an alarm clock.
Experts say that if you break up with a girlfriend, and change the situation in the bedroom - it's not just the linens, and bedding. This will pave the way for a new relationship.
Some restrictions in the Feng Shui bedroom
Old newspapers and archives families - outside sources of energy, and paper containing criminal histories, bear huge losses to sleep.Plants - can pick up and suck the energy out of a sleeping person.
Safes and everything to do with money: the bedroom - not a place to store financial problems.
Things that are redundant as already mentioned above.
Of course, it all comes back to you each, whether bedroom according to Feng Shui of interest to you apply or otherwise. But even using simple instructions, you can improve sleep, mood, lives in pairs and even your health. "The main thing - is an action, and then life itself will show you the best," - said one Chinese philosopher. When he wants to change your life, listen to your intuition, and everything will change for the better!
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