Feng Shui - the art of arranging space in the style of ancient China - more than three thousand years ago. And, although the word itself seems incomprehensible and mysterious, the basic idea of this lesson is very simple - human life be happier if their homes are aligned. There are many treatises, schemes and philosophy of the ability to set the perfect home is dedicated. Sometimes they are not so easily understood. But do not rush to say that the ideas of the Bamboo Curtain country is not acceptable in our culture. Please answer the following questions:
Sometimes none come near the house, you feel uncomfortable?
Have you noticed that some of the things in your home so annoying that you want to remove it from view?
Is there anything in your home, which is usually interesting views and improve your mood?
It's now or sometime in the past, you already have a mascot?
Do you have a place at home that you like more than others, and where you choose to relax?
Is there anything in the new premises provided by you (the office at work, in a hotel room, railways, etc.), you immediately try to change anything to your liking?
If at least three of the above questions you answered yes, you might already feel how important the surrounding area for you. And then you can feel free to use Feng Shui to see the world more fresh. Feng Shui is a complex and simple at the same time is suitable for all - and they were doubtful, and even for those who do not believe in him. Try the ancient oriental theory into practice at home! You have nothing to lose anyway. Even if you do not see the global changes in your life, your home will become more beautiful, and this in itself - it is a great addition.
Fundamentals of Feng Shui
The Chinese believe that everything that surrounds our lives. Trees, sun, objects, buildings, and even appliances have an energy of life - (chi). It is convenient, easy, give life, and we feel good and free in this house, surrounded by these things, but it can be very serious and hostile, and then in our lives, that there is something wrong. What will be the energy (chi) depending on the structure of the house, it is an example of spatial objects in each room. It also has value our personal attitude to everything that surrounds us, including the most common, everyday objects of everyday use. Familiar items can be a source of energy. And because everything in the world is interconnected, energy can be changed by any movements and relationships. Change - an integral part of life, and they must pay for their own benefit.What's Feng Shui?
Feng Shui - is the ancient Chinese art, which considers the human being and all that surrounds it as a single structure and seeks to bring this structure to the maximum harmony. Feng Shui combines the mystical and symbolic tradition of the "I Ching" (Book of Changes) to the principles of ecology, the laws of architecture, art and design. According to Feng Shui, health, happiness and well-being depends on how complete the home and workplace. Thus, the purpose of Feng Shui is to establish harmony in the environment flow of space and time - to improve the human destiny.Feng Shui - these are two Chinese characters, which are called the wind and water. Wind - is the energy flows of the sky, and water flows into space from the Earth, changing the topography and bnetuk high mountain. Feng shui is a system for measuring the flow of energy in time. When building any object in the environment, it is intended that it will be there as long as possible in time and provides the opportunity to remain within its boundaries with the maximum benefit for humans.
Feng Shui is known in China, at least since the Tang Dynasty. Master's oldest art, Yan Yuen Tsang, commonly known as the founder of Feng Shui. He leaves his writings, which survived until now. Master Yan Yuen Tsang was the principal adviser court of Emperor Hui Collet (888 BC.). His books have become basic texts which entire generations of his followers later became formal knowledge system. Master Yang stressed the importance of the mountain shape, direction of water flow and, above all, the location and understanding the influence of the Dragon - the most revered heavenly creation in China. Theory Master Yang detailed in three well-known classical works, which describe the teachings of Feng Shui by colorful metaphors. The first one, "Han Jin Lun", contains the art evokes the Dragon; the other, "Chin Nan Ao Chi", contains methods for determining the location of the dragon's lair; The third, "And Lung Ching", translated under the title "The canon Anonymous Dragons" and tells us how to recognize the Dragon, which is implicitly expressed in the locality.
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Secrets of Feng Shui house plan |
Pioneer of Feng Shui are considered the same and the great Confucius (born in 551 BC). According to his theory, there is no power in the world, connecting people with the environment - "Chi"
However, every point in space is the intersection point of a large number of energy flows, as well as in the human body function is performed acupuncture points. If the bad energy passing through these points or different energy flows encountered in them occur in diseases of the human body. Earth, according to Chinese geomancy idea or teachers of wind and water, too, is a living organism conductive waves of time, just as the body holds itself through the power of the night.
Geomancy is divided into two large sections of Yin geomancy or the science of choosing the time and place is good for the burial of the dead, and geomancy Jansky - science related to the house, or another structure. Jansky geomancy can be divided into interior and exterior. Working with forms of land surrounding the area, the exterior architecture of the house, etc. Geomancy interior focuses on the distribution function for the home area and the location of objects in each room.
Feng Shui is used widely: from the smallest space - for example, the location of the bed or even a chair. The philosophical base includes all the achievements of Chinese thought, from Taoism and Buddhism and ending with folk magic. It operates on many levels: the superstitious and the pragmatic, the sacred and profane, emotional and physical.
Feng Shui literally means - "Wind and Water". These forces shape the views of the original and hidden influence on the destiny of man. They operate in various forms in every point in space. This applies particularly to the flow of Chi and the balance of forces of Yin and Yang. As a practitioner of Feng Shui understand the flow of Chi, passing along the courtyard and penetrate buildings and places in it, familiar with the power balance of Yin and Yang, can give advice in the construction of new buildings or identify the source of misery in buildings that already exist.
Feng Shui is often referred to as geomancy, better known in the West as the "wonder of the world", but in reality, Feng Shui in the broader region than the western geomancy. This is not just a part of everyday life, providing physical comfort, emotional well-being and financial security; Feng Shui uses a much more powerful cosmic forces, which are claimed to affect the universe. Using a compass, a practitioner of Feng Shui compares human activity with these forces. Today Feng Shui is becoming more popular in the West as a further development of the traditional western practice of geomancy. It is believed that it adds a deeper dimension to understanding the relationship between people, structures and their environment.
Feng Shui Centre now in nearly every major city in western countries. They provide practical services, sell books, harmonizing special items, hold seminars, diagnose people. Many companies with world-famous Hollywood stars, politicians and ordinary people often use the services of specialists Feng Shui, and dozens of companies continue to consult. Many well-known experts of Feng Shui in the modern world is no longer just the Chinese. The secret doctrine, which was previously only available for the master. has now become widely known, because it is time now. The most famous masters of Feng Shui is Sarah Rossbach, Nensil Vidra, William Spear, Lillian Tu, Chao Hsiu Chen, Lam Kam Chuen, Lin Yun, Raymond Lo.
So what is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui - is the ancient Chinese technique, related Geomancy, which allows to build or maintain harmony in the environment to improve the human destiny. Many say that "Feng Shui - is the wind, which can not be understood, and water is not possible to understand." Feng Shui involves the doctrine of the cosmic energy flow, the location of the building and the courtyard of the residence, methods of spatial orientation, astrology, numerology, psychology of color. Wind and water together constitute the force flowing natural elements and the effect they produce on the surface of the earth.This doctrine recognizes that the Earth's surface sleplena water and wind, and argues that it is necessary to live in harmony with the winds and water of the earth, if we want to see these energies, we have worked for good. In order to successfully solve this problem at home and the office should be located in a place that is favorable in terms of feng shui field; in this case the environment will bring good luck, prosperity, abundance and appeasement in zhizn. Feng Shui is also exploring the configuration items, some form of relationship, and prisoners in its value.
Feng Shui - one of the metaphysical doctrines, containing the most extraordinary opportunity and exciting for someone who wants to consciously transform your living space and bring good fortune, which he proposed on Earth.
Feng Shui - is the science of living in harmony with nature, to live, to be able to obtain the greatest benefit, peace and prosperity, in balance with nature.
Feng shui promises full abundance of life to those who followed the principles and requirements of this doctrine in the regeneration of his home and office.
In life there are no trifles!
The Chinese believe that everything has a value in the organization of space. "Every bit requires a lot" - says an ancient Chinese proverb. For example, the front door. It would seem that the most important quality in it - the power. But the door way feng shui is much more important than the creation of a security. Through the door of the house is part of chi energy, so you have to take care of the door - for example, oil lubricated so as not to creak, and cleaned to avoid dull.Home door lock must function properly, and next door did not include anything that would impede the opening. Where do you dry your laundry? On the balcony? And in this case the window really closed? In terms of Feng Shui it also affects the strength of the house. While the window - the power of the second gate is thanks to them there is an exchange of energy systems of internal and external. In the summer, when the sun shines long and bright, some shade (for example, using a window) even useful, but in winter, when the short daylight hours, to block access to the flow of sunlight to keep the life-giving energy house.
What do you have in the shower, on the toilet? If you constantly hear the sound of dripping water, call it in the pipe - water should not flow, thus the channeling of energy, money and health. For the same reason you should not open the water for a long time, should not be allowed to flow to things that are not necessary. Look in the mirror. Is it big enough? Under what conditions the mirror here? Small, if your mirror is not high enough and did not reflect it fully. In the mirror should be no stains and scratches, and should not distort the image.
Evaluate each item in your home
The things that we enjoy, reinforce good energy. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with your favorite things. Look at all the stuff and think: "Do I need this, as if it and execute does it do that," And if suddenly it turns out that an item does not provide benefits but also create additional problems immediately remove from your home.It often happens that a large number of items collecting dust in the closet and a balcony, or even part of the mix. Similarly, it can be annoying and become barriers to a positive energy in your home. Incidentally, the Chinese were the first, but not only see the beneficial effects of the "cleansing" of this - in many countries, and has always been a habit of getting rid of things that are not necessary. So dispose of waste properly and surround yourself with only your favorite things! Do not put off until tomorrow. No need to wait several important events for the repair, relocation, New Year celebration, cleaning and even on Monday, - to initiate change. Taking and making right now that have decided.
The interior of the house in the way of Feng Shui
The dining room and kitchen. The Chinese believe the dining room is the heart of the house and put special attention in this room. First of all - bright, but not blinding lighting and quiet, pleasant music during lunch. The important thing is the table. It should be round or oval, and the tablecloth on it - white or beige. Well on the walls hang a few pictures of life, in the sense that instead of pictures of meat or dead animals - but vegetables, fruits, flowers. And also to be in the kitchen emotion save little red bag with money - it will increase wealth and improve relations.The living room style of Feng Shui
It is considered a very important room in the house, it is important for the well-being and family authority. Near the entrance was not allowed to store crops or high objects, because it was thought to hinder the positive energy that will go into the house. The floor in the living room should be made of wood, can also be covered with a beautiful carpet. While the room lighting can affect the energy with horns directed upward and vases of bamboo. Furniture should be positioned so as to form a closed space. It attracts people to you. The living room should not always keep the old stuff (since it will often receive a lot of foreigners, is not always a positive energy) and a high cupboard.Cupboard. The main part of the furniture, and the table does not have to be directly near a window or door. It is not advisable when you sit back to the door. If so there is no way to reset the table, it is necessary to place a mirror in which reflected to the door and everything included in it. Shelves should be shiny, because the open rack is a source of negative energy (Sha).
Bedroom Feng Shui way
Mandatory conditions - it should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the house or apartment. If the front of the bedroom there is another room, it is better to put in the room is a large closet or a small furniture, or jiak not this affects the flow of energy at low tide there will be discord among households. If you hang the lights beside the bed, choose a small lamp, but at the top. The Chinese believe that the problems in the relationship between couples can be attributed to the fact that sleep is divided into two parts. It is considered acceptable for followers of Feng Shui bedside table beside the bed, especially if the table with sharp corners, as all sharp objects turn negative energy. This can be corrected, for example, laid flowers hanging it in a corner cupboard or desk.The main place in the bedroom - it is, of course, the bed. The location of furniture here can be successful or not, depending on where and how the bed. A good option plan is considered to be bed bedrooms located on the corner of the room, with the direction diagonal to the door.
Children's room Feng Shui
There should be more light and air, but at the same time space is too large to be undue. Remove the large mirror, especially if the child does not sleep well. On the wall, put a bright image, which can be changed periodically. In general changes in the children's room should be more often the case - the child is growing rapidly and require more energy.In the room where you spend most of your days, it is important not only in a position pengauran furniture pieces are correct, but also to choose the most profitable of the form.
Shapes and colors in the interior of the house Feng Shui
The shape and structure of furniture and decorative items in the home in feng shui system is very important. Thus, the correct form, the presence or absence of angle may be beneficial or not. Advantageous form - it's rectangular, circular and oval: simple and regular geometric shapes. Adverse considered irregular shapes, triangles and composition of the excessive angle.Red is all the colors that are used both for the design of the wall (carpet) or window decorations (curtain) in the south. Yellow is considered one of the most powerful color. It is not for everyone, and if you feel "heavy" yellow, shading or completely replaced with white.
"New Year" red light color is a good start. Both are used for decorating the living room. Now the second element purple - yin and yang. If it is fun for you, feel free to use in interior design. Green is the element tree, it symbolizes the growth of all living things. Blue (water element) is very favorable in the corners of the east of the house or in the east or north-eastern wall, can carpet or painting, it is best combined with the color green.
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