According to Feng Shui methodology, every item that comes in the house has its own power, while it also interacts with the energy of other objects and even energy from humans. No exception is an indispensable attribute of each interior is the door of the house.
Role of the door in the teachings of Feng Shui
Door according to Feng Shui plays an important role in the management of the central elements of the teaching - Qi energy. They distribute vital energy, as a kind of a small hallway before entering the room. It is therefore important that the door should always be serviced: sealed door frame, not squeaky hinges, locks and door handles function properly. Otherwise, the whole process is disrupted energy flow.In addition to its efficient functioning is also very important regarding the neat appearance, the door was broken and dirty, not only did not improve the atmosphere uncomfortable at home, but also have a negative impact on it. So if you want to have your home more harmonious, do not forget to take care of doors and timely troubleshooting.
If you start doing repairs on a house door, the interior doors must be approached very seriously, because according to feng shui is very important not only for the location of the door, but also, the origin of basic material for the manufacture of, and even color. Here you will find a wide selection of high-quality interior doors and various embodiments, which will bring a positive energy and harmony to your home.
Location and choice of colors for Feng Shui door
From the location of the door depending on how the energy will fill the house. Feng Shui door to the house made have given parts of the world, because each side of the light is responsible for a particular area of life.South. The door facing south symbolize fire and is responsible for the zone fame. The ideal solution is considered the door in a red color scheme. Welcoming decor pattern shape of a triangle.
North. The door faces north, symbolizes water and is responsible for the career zone. Ideal color - black or blue. The decor can be made in a wavy line.
West. West-facing door is connected to the metal, it is responsible for relationships with children, mood and health of children.
East. The door facing east symbolizes the tree and is responsible for the relationship with the family. The decor should apply from wood, florals.
South-west. The door facing south-west is responsible for the relationship between the couple, which is why this part of the house decided to allocate the bedroom. The important role played by a pair of symmetrical parts, both in decor and fittings. It is advisable to choose a door that encouragement when you open the door, push in unison - symbolizing harmony between husband and wife.
North-west. The door faces north-west is responsible for the success of any travel and tourism, as well as relationship with the leadership.
North-east. The door faces north-east is responsible for education.
South East. The door of the house facing south-east is responsible for success in financial affairs.
In addition to the orientation of the cardinal points, there are a number of important recommendations. Feng Shui door would be opened to the left of the input and make sure the inside of the room. Section doors open should be able to see the whole room, not just part of it. The presence in the interior door lock is not recommended - it separates family members, reducing the level of trust in the relationship. Do not install the door at the foot of the stairs, or vice versa.
Feng Shui color door house is very important
It brings harmony and determine the flow of energy in the room. So, if you set the door of the house with a red tinge, suggested on the timber, it will attract in the house good luck and good fortune. Natural color of wood door or door with a yellow tinge to attract visitors in the house. The green color gives strength and vitality. But the door of cool colors bring to room atmosphere of tranquility.![]() |
Feng Shui house door, facing north, south, west, east |
If you do not want to install the door in colorful shades, you can stop on a choice of bright colors - the door is to promote the free flow of Qi energy and bring harmony to the home.
Selection of materials door according to Feng Shui
According to the teachings of Feng Shui the most suitable materials for the doors of the house are wood - fill the house with positive energy. The wooden door to bring prosperity and good luck, growth and new achievements. In addition, they are suitable for any disaster. The most profitable is the door of wood - they promote the growth of the relationship between family members, at the same time filling them with harmony.Thanks to a wide selection of wooden doors is represented in the company wooden furnitures on the market, you can easily choose a color and decorating the most suitable option, which activates the desired scope of life and fill the house with positive energy.
The glass doors and interior doors with partial glass can also be present in your home, but with certain restrictions - it should be colored or frosted glass or clear glass, but must be equipped to use blinds or curtains. If not, the flow of energy will continue to come and go through the door transparent, without stopping in the room.
You definitely want to put a shiny glass door at home, the ideal solution is the stained glass - it not only does not conflict with the teachings of ancient China, but also a work of art worthy, because modern technology makes it possible to create a true masterpiece.
Selection of the area to build a house according to Feng Shui
According to Feng Shui, the choice of a house or apartment is necessary to start with a search of the most suitable for the area where your house will be built. Of course, by all means necessary to consider options such as the prestige of the area, cleanliness, infrastructure development, etc. But other than that, or even perhaps especially, need to determine how the orientation of the geographic areas most suitable.If you have determined the number of your cave, you know what direction that is beneficial to you. Take a map of the city or other location where you want to buy a home. Determining a central location, and then draw a map or impose on the sector Ba Gua his scheme. So, you will be able to determine areas of the city that meet your favorable sector. In addition to this sector, allowing you can choose a zone more prestigious, clean and so on.
* Bagua (Ba Gua) are eight diagrams or symbols that constitute the basic system of cosmogony and ancient Chinese philosophy. Judging from the original saying, "Ba" means eight, while the "Cave" is a trigram (three lines). Each consists of three symbols Gua Yao. Yao symbols depict forms Yin or Yang *. Read our review to know better: secrets of Feng Shui home (ancient Chinese-style layout).
Of course, when you move to a new house or apartment, it is advisable to take into account the interests of all households. Try to choose an area that no one was very very unfavorable for your own zone. And if this is not possible - it is necessary to try at least to most members of the family area was favorable in terms of feng shui. If someone in your home is located in disadvantaged areas, it will be necessary to do too much room for her choice in the future, make sure that at least the room is oriented profitable.
Regional beneficial or detrimental to build a house according to Feng Shui
Meanwhile, by selecting the area, trying to look more closely. Not every place can be profitable to build a house, and there are signs that we can understand, success or failure will be your choice.First of all note adjacent to the candidate of your home. Areas that could be called harm by Feng Shui is Around: cemeteries, funeral homes, hospitals, police stations, an artificial body of water, and the supporting power lines, loading platform, high towers, towers, tall buildings, especially if the house is located across the narrow gap between them.
The environment is great: Parks, the green garden or yard (only if there are no large trees or old), a natural pond - a pond or lake. The river is beneficial only when it is in front of the house and not in the back, or if no outcrops overhanging or home overlooking the river. If the house is inside the arc formed by a bend in the river that flows in front of him - the setting is very profitable, it provides a positive energy flow Qi home. But we must remember that the bridge in front of the house is not profitable according to Feng Shui.
Mountains, hills or hill behind the house means a good feng shui, but the house itself must stand on a flat surface without elevation and depression.
A bad place for Feng Shui house
The intersection of several roads, streets clogged or sharp corners of the streets and roads. Adverse, if your home is directed at an angle of neighboring buildings or other structures with sharp corners.Be sure to ask for information before determining the condition of the area as a candidate for your home. That means not in the zone that are not profitable - for example, cemeteries, landfills, or anything that has been mentioned earlier above. In such places strict contraindication to live. If earlier there are home - find out what happened to the previous home: be sure not due to collapse as a result of the damage.
Find out how people live in this area, at home you choose, try to check sign in a new house, or trying to drill down to the neighboring houses: make sure all is safe, whether they are cheerful, if there are some diseases in the suffering around settlers , and whether belonging to the local environment-friendly and safe.
Listen to your heart
Be sure to listen to your heart: if the overall impression that is found, for example, new homes are not maintained or maintained, should not be taken if it is deemed negative. If the area seems pleasant, cheerful, if you are deemed to be comfortable, convenient, if you like, then you are trying to honestly say to yourself that you want to stay here - so the choice was made correctly.In one house to live? This is a very important question. The choices we make, of course, with the way you are, but generally we are faced with more than one option. Do you want to build a small residential house, or a cottage or an apartment in a big house? if your home was built using brick, stone, concrete, wood? How can design shape and color of your house will be built? What materials are used for decorating the facade of your house? Also materials for roofing, windows and doors? All of these details from the standpoint of Feng Shui is not important.
The general rule to follow all that is desired is as follows. Whatever your personal tastes and preferences, and whether you are building your own home or going into the final, first make sure that the house gives the impression of stability and reliability. He must have a good foundation of the house, and should develop the feeling that no one and nothing will not budge. Houses on stilts, as well as too narrow and tall building does not give the impression of stability and continuity, and hence life here will not be stable and sustainable.
Make sure that the house produces a nice exterior appearance, comfortable, nothing in his appearance that does not look good, disgusting, faint foundation that can cause anxiety. The impression is often gloomy house emptied or sparsely populated, as if like a haunted house!
The architecture is too complicated this is not good, the house must give the impression of a unified whole, fused finisihing composition of the various parts. One unit of the home and family, it will be a single entity, not messy.
Feng Shui house by birth year
Now more detail - about the shape of the house, number of floors in it, as well as the material from which it is built. There are no special rules in this case, and each choice should be guided element birth year on the Chinese calendar.Identify the elements year of birth is quite simple: if the number of years ending in 0 or 1 (eg 1960.1961) - This is the year of Metal, 2 and 3 years old Water, 4 and 5 - Wood, 6 and 7 - Fire, 8 and 9 - Earth. We just need to remember that the Chinese calendar year begins in late January - early February, and considered the previous year up until this point the year of birth.
People born in the year of fire, matches the tall buildings of red brick, perhaps adorned with towers and domes, which creates a sense of struggling upward. It is important that the house was in a bright place, where there is plenty of sun, or at least well-lit.
For those born in the year of the Earth, the most profitable form of a square. The person will feel uncomfortable, short of building on the foundation of a strong home that creates a feeling of strength, reliability and stability. The best materials - brick, stone, yellow-brown color.
Those born in the Year of Metal, house matching with the facade of a half circle or round protrusions. The house should be colored light gray, produce a feeling of solidity, perhaps without the excesses of architecture and complex shapes, it is advisable unless arches, balconies and terraces with metal trim. home does not have looked heavy, should give the impression of light, as if floating in the air.
People born in the Year of Water, the most suitable home with a complex shape, with rounded corners or no corners - with round or wavy facade. It requires large windows and glass in general as much as possible - for example, the facade can be completely glazed. That is, if the house by the beach.
If you are born in the Year of Wood, will feel comfortable in any complex shape of the house, a rectangle, but it certainly should be a variety of extensions, porches, overhangs, etc., to a whole does not give the impression of a matchbox. But in this case there was no element of pioneers should be kept within the framework of tradition and gives the impression of a solid and respectable. The best material - wood, but for people who live in cities, where this is not possible, allow other materials, preferably with green trim.
Feng Shui house according to the direction of the wind
Knowledge of the elements birth year could contribute to even think about the choice of the side of light, where the front of the house facing. Facade - towards the front of the house, one of which became the main entrance to the house or the direction facing the side street rather than the courtyard. If in the house there are shops, or any agency, the signs are usually only from the front.According to ancient Chinese philosophy, every element in accordance with the specific direction in the world. Water - is the north, the fire - the south, the Earth southwest and northeast, Metals - west and north-west, Wood - east and south-east. This house is suitable for your element, will be more convenient and comfortable for you.
If the house facing north
It belongs element Air.Tidak their bright sunlight, the feeling of coolness in the summer, and during the other seasons, provided a good home heating gives a special warmth, a certain proximity, separated from the outside world. Prone to communicate, but the people exposed to the element Water will find a good home in a safe place where you can relax and rejuvenate.If the house faces south
It refers to the element of Fire. People of this element in the atmosphere either sunny. Bright home giving them a boost activity, vigor, vitality, continue to nurture their creative energies.The house faces south-west and north-east
At this time, referring to the Earth element. They are quite lit up, and they have a sense of depth and breadth, because there is an open space combined with the hidden corners of the view. It is the tranquility that you need, the people in the zone Earth abundant inner peace, it is something hidden, invisible to the naked eye, that there is room for some privacy and do not actually open.The house faces west and northwest
It belongs to Metal element. No lighting is subdued, but uniform, and people born in the year of metal, conveniently right where there is no bright spots of light or darkness. Light gray twilight - that they have to stay hard, easy, energy force.The house faces east and southeast
Wood is the element. The lighting is quite bright, especially in the mornings, but not as strong as in the homes of the south. People born in the Year of Wood, fair and necessary measure in a bright, uniform illumination but it is not hidden from view, leaving no mystery and innuendo and give an opportunity to relax in the shade, partial light when the sun begins to set.These rules are not always rigid. Elements are interconnected to one another, they can continue to interact and how to maintain and consume one another.
For example, Fire supports earth, earth metal supports, metal supports Water, Water supports Wood, Wood Fire supports. On the other hand, Air channel, Metal, Wood depletes the Earth, the Earth is water lines, water lines, fire, fire Metal drain.
In accordance with the elements of Fire (south) may coexist in the house belonging to the elements Earth and Wood (south-west, north-east, east, south-east).
It is not advisable for people to stay at home the element of Fire, Metal and Water (north, west, north-west).
Persons from the Earth (south-west, north-east) feel good in the houses of fire and metal (south, west, north-west) and not in accordance with the houses wood element and water element (east, south-east, north) ,
People with metal elements (west, north-west) do not have problems in the home of Earth and Water (south-west, north-east, north) and difficulty coexist in a house of wood and fire (east, south-east, south).
The people element of water (north) can live in a house belonging to a wooden or metal elements (west, northwest, east, south-east). It is not allowed to settle in the house Fire and Earth elements (south and south-west, north-east).
Persons with Wood element (east southeast) may coexist in house elements of Water and Fire (north and south). Elements that are not recommended for home Metal and Earth (western, north-western, south-western, north-east).
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