According to the Chinese calendar, there are nine cycles, each cycle consisting of 20 years. One cycle where we are now is eighth, was started in 2004 and will run until 2024. It is one of the most favorable period for construction, as it was built at this time according to the rules of feng shui home, always will bring good luck. And not only the present generation but also for future generations will have good luck!
So from the beginning, you just have to focus on a project to build a house? Well, if you have the opportunity to consult with a specialist to learn how to adjust the orientation of Feng Shui house plans are the most profitable. The consultant will determine how a soil favorable to the life of the homeowner and their offspring in the future.
If you have bought land to build a house, the most important thing at this stage is to make the design of the house properly, to identify and eliminate the destructive elements. And the main point, of course, is the house itself, whose orientation lies in the location of the main entrance. Because, through the front door will drain a lot of energy, it is very important that it is beneficial to all homeowners.
For this purpose, taken astrological card for each family member. Mapping of Feng Shui home. These maps are defined areas of positive and negative energy in the house, then, in the design of energy-best place is at the front door and bedroom. If you are interested in home design projects according to Feng Shui, continue to refer to this article.
House plan is very important according to Feng Shui
The important thing is the appearance of the building, architecture, design features, as well as building materials. According to the type of energy in the home can be attributed to five types - water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Of course, every structure includes all forms of energy, but one usually dominates. For example, a house made of red brick, or the 1st floor and 2nd floor of the brick wood (often found finishing home projects like that) with a triangular roof. Like structure, of course, with a strong display of fire power. And the energy imbalance will lead to the fact that the homeowner will often arise quarrels, scandals, or bahakan possible violence. Or another example, the yellow brick house, cuboid, with a facade of smooth, without bumps and unnecessary decoration, with a flat roof or a triangle - dominate the earth energy. People who live in the house - the Conservatives, they are difficult to make changes, innovations, they find it difficult to make a decision. Therefore, the design of the house, it is very important to consider the energy balance.It should also be noted on the interior design of the house. When choosing a home project, people usually pay attention to design styles, materials, colors and architectural details of the building. In analyzing the feng shui home project you are working at home, it was found, as a rule, from 10 to 20 when making the alignment would further complicate the lives of its inhabitants. More often or at least, when looking for home interior design solutions, to change something globally it is not necessary, but only a few adjustments, it is best to make all at once, as it will ease the task in the future, when the interior.
Also relevant direction and date according to Feng Shui. In Eastern countries have long been a tradition appointed days and hours for important events (weddings, traveling, ranging from travel, the discovery of significant events). It is believed that the energy will exert a beneficial effect in the future. To select a suitable date home improvement, use of the Chinese Lunar calendar and date of birth. It is important that this date is not the energy to bring the conflict. At least you can use the calendar for the current period so as to exclude days certainly are not profitable for everyone.
Feng Shui: home design according to the canonical teachings
Viewed from the perspective of Feng Shui home design must take into account a lot of nuances, be it regarding the layout of the room, and also considering the individual characteristics of all who live in it. Our task - to make the house comfortable and beneficial for all inhabitants. It is not easy, because, it harusdisesuaikan with numbers each cave people, designs and regions, success for some people, it may not be appropriate for others.Separation of Feng Shui house design sector
First, draw up blueprints of the house according to Feng Shui. To do this, you need to make a floor plan on paper with all proportions, and in the right direction. Use a compass to determine the direction of the entire world. To avoid mistakes, the compass should be placed on a flat surface, and not adjacent to metal objects, magnetic and electrical appliances. In accordance with an indication of the compass, the house is separated in the design sector, each area of the world. In this case the design of the house itself must be put in the form of a circle or square, put it on the line of Bagua.You may like article: secrets of Feng Shui house plan
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Feng Shui house plan a good day for building |
Each sector of Feng Shui is responsible for a certain area of your life. Thus, the north belong to the career, the north-east - to acquire knowledge, to the east - for a special relationship, south-east - to the achievement and the increase in wealth, the south - to the glory and recognition, south-west - to matters of love and marriage, the west - creativity and the welfare of children, the north-west - for travel and attendance at the helper and protector of your life. Fitness room responsible for health.
The best form for an apartment or house - a square (ideally oriented in the direction of the wind), circular, octagonal, or, to a lesser extent, rectangular. Of course, this is very rare variants that are profitable, unless you make it home on his own project. Some of the important areas that could be addressed in the design of the exterior of your home. But do not worry: in every room you can "squeeze" the maximum benefit from the principles of Feng Shui, it will change for the better, not only the atmosphere of your home, but also the quality of your life.
Finding private cave figures according to Feng Shui
We now determine the number of Gua owner and his family. The pets were not taken into account, because they are able to intuitively find the most advantageous place. We made a simple calculation. The last two digits of your birth year (on the eastern calendar) to be added and if the resulting figure is two digits, repeat the addition. If you are a man, and were born before 2000, subtract the amount generated from the ten, if after - nine. Women should be added to point 5 of the previously generated, for those born after 2000 - 6. In the event that you have turned again, the two-digit number, added to finally get one number. It will be the number of your personal cave. Following this algorithm, determines the number of Gua for everyone who lives with you.Directions favorable and unfavorable
Because the number of private cave all people are divided into two groups. Those who have the numbers 1, 3, 4, 9, belonging to the east. Favorable terrain for them - east, north, south, south-east; so conversely others beyond these numbers are not profitable direction. People with Gua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 to engage the West. Directions profitable - west, northwest, southwest and northeast. As you can see, these two groups are antagonists, and directions to the successful one, two unfavorable for others.Sleep is advisable to choose a place, which is located in a sector that is not profitable. And during work or other activities should be placed in the facade in a direction that is useful to you.
The difference between groups in the number Caves
If all members of the family have a number Caves in one group, it is the best choice. In this case, the interior of the house is easy to make comfortable energy for all. If not, then you are required to be more creative. And first of all must be considered Gua number of the owner (if he lives in it), or the number of family members.Remarkably, if the entrance to the house is located in a favorable direction for the head of the family. In this case, luck will not leave, and the impact of all including those in the house (guest, or member of the household), will create positive energy, improve his luck in business and improve health. Of course, this will contribute to the welfare of the family. At the same time, if the house belongs to a group of numbers Caves opposite, each time entering the house, they will be exposed to the opposite energy. To reduce the negative energy can put metal objects (sculptures, wall hangings) at the entrance. The door is better to choose a blue or black.
Sleeplessness can affect the fun, when husband and wife have Gua number of different groups. But it is also possible to find a solution that satisfies both. The fact that not all showed favorable properties in the direction sama.Hal same applies also transform direction harm. In this case it can be said, the direction may be more or less favorable. You have to look deeper into the problem to find a good compromise.
Drop-down sector
Most likely, some sectors will not appear on the layout of your home. If the house facing unfavorable, it is a good thing. If outside the area important, it may not be bad for the owner. In this case, you need to "strengthen" the favorable zones available, and other family members should have a cave that fills in the area as a zone of responsibility on the missing.There are other tricks. You can choose one of the most successful for the master bedroom, subdivided into sectors Bagua existing ones to improve the desired area. If the bedroom has the shape of a square or rectangle, usually it will not be difficult.
Distribution room
When choosing a room for each family member must "play" on a door arrangement. It should be in the direction most favorable to the occupants. The energy flowing from space will occur on the owner of a beneficial effect and contribute to the success, even if in a home, there are some sectors that are important to him.By the way, the more you sergi come to one another "visit", the better it will affect the strength of each of the rooms. But if you stay longer in the room that did not fit and can even drain your energy.
If rooms are not enough, try to put people who are included in the same group is also in the same room. If this is not possible, once again divide the room in this sector and to bed, each choosing the most appropriate place. Thus, the difference in this group will not happen overlap.
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